What is LOVE?....Love has its different meaning
depending on what point of view they have. Some says
Love is the feeling that two individual felt with each
other, some is that Love is painful. Love is blind,
Love(according to Wikipedia.Com) is any of a number of
emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong
affection. The word LOVE comes in different
meaning..There are millions of meanings that can be
given to this word, due to the fact that it was given
its meaning as "LOVE is undefine".....
Because of LOVE, here comes the Relationship..not just an ordinary relationship..but something
deeper..your feeling for each other is intense!..you
have this feeling that would even let you sacrifice your
life just for that someone..sometimes you forgot about
your self...We try to do things unreasonable, we
sometimes felt not being love in return because of this.
we become someone we used to be not. This situation are
some of the bad influence side of feeling LOVE, it turn
to obsession or other kind of mal-behavior. But LOVE
also has more good side effect. When you start loving
someone, there are so many feelings, attitude being
developed. Such as learning to understand the others,
caring for them, skindness to others, sacrificing for
others sake, being more patient, more passionate, and
more open minded. There are lots of things that can be
develop when we love. As stated the good side effect of Loving. Some
feelings are being abused. What I mean is because of
Loving too much, we are over reacting in some cases. An
example is that when somebody tend to love someone with
everything they can offer and just being dumped, they
become frustrated and sometimes because of this they
commits suicide..There are different cases of commiting
suicides because of LOVE..When they are busted or being
hurt..they commit suicide, because they think their life
is not useful anymore or there are no reason at all to
live more....Sometimes also because of Love, people
KILL...so brutal right?...but this is really happening
in our present world!!..People tend to hurt even the one
they love...they become selfish..they want all attention
to given only to them... Now why we say "Loving Someone too much is a risk"?
Those were some of the reason..but there are a lot of
reason why this statement has been said...In loving
someone too much, we forget about our selves..We
concentrate more on how this special someone be owned
forever. And when something wrong happened between the
relationship, people hardly accept the truth leading
them to different feelings like loneliness, frustration
and obsession. speaking of Obsession?...this is not
considered that people have felt love, but they think it
as love but not..Back to why loving too much is a risk,
when people love too much it become risky because there
a lot thing that may happened between them and they may
not carry the consequences that may happen..It is too
much PAIN can be felt!...To be hurt, to feel pain is not
easy..Sometimes it is impossible for someone to overcome
it, they may become crazy..But there are also survivors
of this scenario, but it takes times to heal...But the
first thing comes in mind or first thing to happen is
taking the situation not controllable. And We cant
control our selves, it is dangerous......So be careful
in loving someone..leave sometime for yourself..you may
loose yourself!..and its hard to find someone self,
witch is already somewhere we cant find!..